Raiatea and Taha’a
Great sailing in the double lagoon of Raiatea and Tahaa. Watch for pearl farms and fishermen’s buoys and nets.

- Toahotu Pass:
East side of the lagoon, 30 m deep and 200 m wide. - Te Ava Piti Pass:
the easiest on the east side to access Uturoa. - Iriru Pass:
3 MN south of Teavapiti, flanked by two motu, narrow but deep. - Te Ava Moa Pass:
facing Marae Taputapuatea. Narrow but deep, navigable under strong winds. - Paipai Pass:
facing Hurepiti, on the west side, 36 m deep and 250 m wide.
Moorings RAIATEA
- Tetooroa Bay:
“Bay of One Hundred Waterfalls” (fishing and surfing). Mooring buoys at the end of bay. Sheltered from SE winds. Protected mooring on the SE point of the motu. - Motu Nao Nao :
At the west end, with 2.5 m of water. Private motu, only the beach is accessible. - Opoa Bays:
Access to the Taputapuatea archeological site. 2 TN ISLV mooring buoys available near the Taputapuatea marae. - Faaroa Bay:
Deep, excellent and sheltered anchorage, mooring buoys available, 4 TN ISLV mooring buoys available at the end of bay with a dock for dinghies, a water faucet and waste collection navigable river (by dinghy) and botanical garden. - Vairahi Bay: 4 TN ISLV mooring buoys, docking, access to stores, pharmacy, excursions and activities nearby.
- Apu Bay: Southern Taha’a Point, open anchorage, mooring buoys available. Free visit of the Champon pearl farm.
- Hurepiti Bay: private mooring buoys at the head of the bay.
- Tapuamu Bay: sheltered by SE winds, 3 TN ISLV mooring buoys, small port, service station, water and grocery.
- Motu Tautau : mooring for snorkeling at the “coral garden”.
- Patio Village: 3 TN ISLV mooring buoys with access to the village
- Faaaha Bay: mooring buoys of Motu Pearl Village, 3 mooring buoys TN ISLV at the end of bay.
- Haamene Bay: mooring buoys of the Hibiscus restaurant or anchorage et TN ISLV mooring buoys at the end of the bay facing the village, pharmacy, market, post office, stores, restaurant.
We recommend here:
The Tahaa Maitai team is happy to announce that the restaurant will be open again for you on from...
- Motu Mahaea : stable mooring, sand bottom, by 4/5 m, possible meals on the motu.
Port and Marinas – VHF 12 / 16

Quelques places temporaires à quai, exposées. Station service, commerces, hôpital, marché, restaurants. Accès au Mont Tapioi (point de vue panoramique).
Some temporary quayside berths, exposed. Gas station, hospital, stores, market, restaurants. Access to Mount Tapioi (panoramic viewpoint).

100 places, Drinking water, electricity, sanitary facilities and showers
Contact: Jean-Pierre De Guigné
Close to shops, hospital, market, restaurants.
Access to Mount Tapioi (panoramic viewpoint).
100 places, Eau potable, électricité, sanitaires et douches
Contact : Jean-Pierre De Guigné
À proximité des commerces, hôpital, marché, restaurants.
Accès au Mont Tapioi (point de vue panoramique).

visitors wharf, basin, dock, water, shops, restaurant, sail making.
Fairing,various repair shops and gearing
Lifting up to 25 tons and 2.50 m draft.
Repairs : Fairing, polyester, epoxy, composite, steel and aluminum.
Mechanics, electricity, diesel, electronics, painting, cold, gearing, etc.
Servicing of Plastimo life rafts..
50 long term spots on land,fenced and guarded
Fairing, Guarding, Marina, Maintenance, Repairs, Sailmaking, Yamaha, Mercury
Useful contacts
Vente bateaux, jet skis, moteurs, articles de pêche, accastillage
Moteurs: Volvo-Penta, Suzuki Marine, Evinrude, Johnson
The Tahaa Maitai team is happy to announce that the restaurant will be open again for you on from Tuesday April 28. For organizational reasons so that you have the best service, it is important to call us before coming.
With the curfew at 9 p.m. the evening service will start at 6.15 p.m. The restaurant must be closed at 8.45 p.m.
We recommend the special vanilla highlight menu. Direct access dinghy dock. Moorings in front of the restaurant.

Quelques places temporaires à quai, exposées. Station service, commerces, hôpital, marché, restaurants. Accès au Mont Tapioi (point de vue panoramique).
Some temporary quayside berths, exposed. Gas station, hospital, stores, market, restaurants. Access to Mount Tapioi (panoramic viewpoint).
Unnamed Road, Pūfau, Polynésie française
Unnamed Road, Polynésie française
Sale, rental and service of bike rides with ELECTRICAL ASSISTANCE.
3-hour package
Drop off in the morning at 8am and pick up at 11am or drop off in the afternoon at 1pm for a return at 4pm.
Ideal for the discovery and quick handling of the VAE.
Full day
A full day from 8am to 4pm. The bike is dropped off in the morning and collected at the end of the afternoon.
One day to discover at its own pace the sites and walks on RAIATEA or TAHAA.
Within the framework of the rental without accompanying person (1/2 day or full day), the use of bicycles is exclusively limited to use on the road (practice on paths or tracks is forbidden)
Accompanied excursion
It is certainly THE best experience to discover in VAE, RAIATEA & TAHAA sites.
The courses, of the order of 3-4 hours, allow you to discover the most beautiful sites and viewpoints of the islands (Marae, lagoon, plantations…).
The accompanying person takes care of the material (bags, equipment, water…) transported in a trailer, which allows to circulate without bags on the back, nor constraints: at ease! Take your water and crust: and off you go!
The pick-up and drop-off / pick-up at the tour departure sites are included in the price.
Outings proposed on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY morning from 3 pers. and up to 6 pers.
Possibilities of change – Contact us
Southward transfer
Deposit and pick-up of bicycles at the accommodation are included in the packages.
On the other hand, if you would like to be dropped off at the starting points for hiking tours in the south, it is also possible.
Vente, location et service de balades en Vélos à Assistance ÉLECTRIQUE.
Forfait de 3 heures
Dépose le matin à 8h et reprise à 11h00 ou dépose l’après midi à 13h pour un retour à 16h.
Idéal pour la découverte et une rapide prise en main du VAE.
Journée complète
Une journée complète de 8h00 à 16h00. Le vélo est déposé le matin et récupéré en fin d’aprés midi.
Une journée pour découvrir à son rythme les sites et balades sur RAIATEA ou TAHAA.
Dans le cadre de la location sans accompagnateur (1/2 journée ou journée entière) , l’utilisation des vélos est exclusivement limitée à l’usage sur route (la pratique sur chemins ou pistes est interdite)
Excursion accompagnée
C’est certainement LA meilleure expérience pour découvrir en VAE, les sites de RAIATEA & TAHAA.
Les parcours, de l’ordre de 3-4h, permettent de découvrir les plus beaux sites et points de vue des îles (Marae, lagon, plantations…)
L’accompagnateur, prend en charge le matériel ( sacs, matériel, eau..) transportés dans une remorque, qui permet de circuler sans sacs sur le dos, ni contraintes : à l’aise ! Prenez votre eau et votre casse croute : et c’est parti !
Le pick-up et la dépose/reprise sur les sites de départ des tours sont intégrés au prix.
Sorties proposées les MERCREDI et SAMEDI matin à partir de 3 pers. et jusqu’à 6 pers.
Possibilités de changement – Nous contacter
Transfert vers le sud
Le dépôt et la reprise des vélos sur le lieu d’hébergement sont compris dans les forfaits.
Par contre si vous souhaitez être déposés sur les sites de départ des balades dans le sud, c’est également possible.
Sailing sailmaking – Saddlery
2 workshops / Park of 5 sewing machines / Light, medium and heavy sewing machines
- Manufacturing
We design and manufacture your sails, covers and textile supports.
- Repairing
We respond to your requests for the repair of your sails (mainsail, genoa, spinnaker,…) as well as other textile supports.
- Maintenance Maintenance
We take care of the maintenance and overhaul of your sails and textile equipment to ensure a perfect response and use.
- Rigging
We manufacture textile rigging for sailboats: from small dinghy units to offshore sails.
Concierge services
Import of material
- Representative Marine WareHouse – Marine equipment based in Florida
capacity of 180 kg washed / dried per day – 3 machines of 10 kg + 3 dryers of 15 kg
Voilerie – Sellerie
2 ateliers / Parc de 5 machines à coudre / couture légère, médium et lourde
- Fabrication
Nous concevons et assurons la fabrication de vos voiles, tauds et support textiles.
- Réparation
Nous répondons à vos demandes de réparation de vos voiles (grand-voile, génois, spinnaker, …) comme des autres supports textiles.
- Entretien
Nous assurons l’entretien et la révision de vos voiles et équipements textiles afin de vous assurer une parfaite réponse et utilisation.
- Gréement
Nous réalisons des gréements textiles pour les voiliers : des petites unités dériveurs aux voiles hauturiers.
Import de matériel
- Représentant Marine WareHouse – Accastillage et matériel nautique basé en Floride
capacité de 180 Kg lavé / Séché par jour – 3 machine de 10 kg + 3 séchoir de 15 Kg

Pari Pari fabrique des produits naturels et sans additifs: huile extra vierge de coco et de tamanu, vinaigre a la vanille, sirop de canne, savon, sel de bains… et du rhum maison.
Ouvert tous les jours de 9h à 17h pour visite et dégustation. Marché bio tous les samedis matins. Vente de carte wifi du réseau Hotspot (avec un bon débit). 2 corps morts en baie de Tapuamu
Pari Pari makes natural products without additives: extra virgin coconut and tamanu oil, vanilla vinegar, cane syrup, soap, bath salt … and homemade rum.
Open every day from 9 am to 5 pm for visit and tasting. Organic market every Saturday mornings. Sale of Hotspot network wifi card (with good debit). 2 moorings in Tapuamu bay.
Du lundi au vendredi de 7h30 à 15h30
Monday – Friday 7:30am 3:30pm

Atelier de construction métallique basé à Raiatea et expédiant dans le monde entier

pension Temehani

Ph :
Safeguarding natural and cultural sites in Raiatea
Contact the association or the SDR before hiking on the Temehani Ute Ute
Please contact the association or SDR before walking to Temehani Ute Ute
Relais château

tourism information
Patio Town Hall

Mécanique / Électrique

Centre de plongée
Scuba diving center

Tél. :
Uturoa Hospital

100 places, Drinking water, electricity, sanitary facilities and showers
Contact: Jean-Pierre De Guigné
Close to shops, hospital, market, restaurants.
Access to Mount Tapioi (panoramic viewpoint).
100 places, Eau potable, électricité, sanitaires et douches
Contact : Jean-Pierre De Guigné
À proximité des commerces, hôpital, marché, restaurants.
Accès au Mont Tapioi (point de vue panoramique).

visitors wharf, basin, dock, water, shops, restaurant, sail making.

Vente bateaux
vente, maintenance, commercialisation, achat et vente de bateaux, matériels nautiques, accessoires, accastillage et pièces détachées et autre
Moteurs Volvo-Penta, Yamaha
Atelier d’usinage et de mécanique générale : Tournage Fraisage. Pressage 100T. Soudure. Mécanique Hord bord et diesel
Location de voiture
3 agences:
- en ville : Tipaerui, Route de Ceinture, en face du Stade BambridgeHoraires:
- Lundi – Jeudi 7h30 / 17h30
- Vendredi 7h30 / 16h30
- Samedi 8h00 / 11h30
- Fermé dimanches et jours fériés (y compris 5 mars et 29 juin)
- Possibilité de rendre le véhicule à l’extérieur, boite à clefs sécurisée
- Agence ville : En face du Stade Bambridge. Possibilité de pick-up sur demande.
- aéroport international : Tous les jours à tous les vols
- Raiatea : Horaires:
- Lundi / Vendredi – 6h30 / 18h00
- Samedi / Dimanche – 7h30 / 18h00
- Repairs : polyester, epoxy, carbon, wood, steel wielding, stainless, aluminum, sail repairs.
- Sail making, rigging, mechanics, milling, piercing, cold, painting, antifouling and varnish.
- Fairing : marine travelift 24 t, marine railway 70 t.
- Care-taking : on adjustable metal cradles, fenced in work area.
- Store, gas refilling, rescue, salvage.
Tirage à terre (25T travelift) – Gardiennage à terre sur Ber – Peintures carennes ou coques – Mécanique marine Réfrigération – Sablage – Réparation voiles et tauds Pièces détachées – Fibre de verre – Acier § inox Aluminium – Usinage – Menuiserie – Soudure… Magasin
Horaires / Hours :
- Lundi – Jeudi: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
- Vendredi: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Conception, réalisation et réparation de protection contre le soleil et la pluie / Réparation de voiles
Démarches phytosanitaires, BIOSÉCURITÉ, protection des végétaux, protection zoosanitaire
- Mangareva : 87 23 00 59
- Rangiroa : 40 96 83 99
- Raivavae : 40 95 43 86
- Rurutu : 40 94 03 20
- Tubuai : 40 95 03 25
- Hiva Oa : 40 92 73 62
- Ua Pou : 40 92 54 18
- Nuku Hiva : 40 92 07 20
- Huahine : 40 68 82 39
- Bora Bora : 40 67 70 76
- Raiatea : 40 60 21 00

Cabinet d’expertises maritimes
patio tahaa
Urgences. Centre Opérationnel de la Gendarmerie
Commandement : Colonel Pierre CAUDRELIER
Avenue Pouvana’a O’opa (État major)
☎ : (689) 40 46 74 09 – Fax : (689) 40 46 73 50
Camp de la gendarmerie de Faa’a :
☎ : (689) 40 46 72 72
✉ : SP 91 333 – 00 205 Armées
Centre opérationnel de la gendarmerie :
☎ : (689) 40 50 72 09
- Bora-Bora : 40 60 59 85
- Raiatea : 40 60 03 05
- Huahine : 40 60 62 05
- Tahaa : 40 60 81 05

Care-taking, fairing, repairs services
Vente voiliers et bateaux à moteurs d’occasion
Formalités douanières / services aux plaisanciers
Réparation des voiles, fabrication de tauds, biminis, capotes, sellerie, coussins, protections d’annexes, rideaux etc
The site of Marae Taputapuātea on the island of Ra’iatea is an ancient cultural and political complex, which played a major role in the history of Polynesian civilization.
Located strategically between land sea at the Mā-tahirā-i-te-ra’i point, it is home to many monuments, the most notable of which are the marae, open air temples and Polynesian sacred spaces: the Taputapuātea marae is the most monumental – whose large slabs carved in coral rise up to 3 meters high, the Hau-viri marae – facing the pass and on which Te Papa o Tea Rūea, the inauguration stone of the Huiari’i Tamatoa – ancient chiefs stands in the center of the court, the ‘Ōpū-teina marae, the Tau-’aitū marae and the marae-o-Hiro.

Taputapuatea was the religious and political center of the Tamatoa chiefdom of ‘Opoa, which reigned in the 17th and 18th centuries through a network of religious and political alliances throughout eastern Polynesia, particularly through the mastery of canoe building and navigation. The spread of the cult of the god ‘Oro to whom the Taputapuatea marae was dedicated, was manifested by the replication of many marae Taputapuātea in eastern Polynesia (Windward islands, Tuamotu, Cook Islands, Australs, etc..) or the adoption of a name as a place name (Hawaii, New Zealand).
This sacred site is also inseparable from the traditional territory of the former ‘Opoa chiefdom, of which it was the center: the landscape is dominated by the sacred Tea-’ē-tapu mountain, forests home to many archaeological remains in the ‘ Opoa valley, the sacred Te Ava Mo’a pass, and the islet (motu) ‘ -tara. The cultural scenery of Taputapuātea including these marae is currently a candidate for inclusion on the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Excursions to the Te Mehani
Exceptional view point, the Te Mehani plateaus are home to various plants and small trees that are protected and strictly endemic to Raiatea. One is the Tiare ‘apetahi, which is the emblem of Raiatea and has been celebrated in many local legends. It is also an example of Polynesia’s plants that are threatened by extinction.

Remember :
- Thank you for staying on the hiking paths, an ecological restauration is being done : we are replanting Tiare ‘apetahi for future generations as well as several endemic plants.
- Do not step on, cut or pick any plant.
- Take out your backpacks when coming close to the Tiare ‘apetahi, no more than 5 people around and keep a distance relative to the plant, avoid touching the plant.
- Preferably use a professional guide. The Te mehani rahi plateau is mostly private. Please contact the Tuihana Association (87 79 37 12) or the Service Développement Rural (40 60 21 00) before any hike for your safety. The Te mehani ‘ute’ute plateau is listed as a protected area and its access is regulated and strictly submitted to authorization.
Rangiroa, Îles Tuamotu, Îles Tuamotu-Gambier, Polynésie française
Raivavae, Îles Tubuaï, Îles Australes, Polynésie française
Rurutu, Îles Australes, Polynésie française
Tubuai, Îles Tubuaï, Îles Australes, Polynésie française
Hiva Oa, Southern Group, Îles Marquises, Polynésie française
'Ua Pou, Northern Group, Îles Marquises, Polynésie française
Nuku Hiva, Northern Group, Îles Marquises, Polynésie française
Fare, Huahine, Polynésie française
Raiatea, Uturoa, Îles Sous-le-Vent, Polynésie française