The sister island
It is ideal for a few beautiful escapes from nature while staying close to Tahiti.
Sailing to Moorea
- Accessed from the East, the channel between Tahiti and Moorea is subject to crossing swells from the East and the South, plus choppy seas generated by interisland ferries, priorities.
- The island’s North and Northwest passes do not present any danger
Recommended Moorings
Moorea’s Maritime Space Management Plan (PGEM) is to be respected.

Areas limited by yellow buoys. Speed is limited to 5 knots. Mooring limited to 48 h on sandy shoals and 7 consecutive days in reserved areas.
No mooring is allowed at the bottom of the bay.
2 large areas
- Cook’s Bay: dock, water and fuel supplied, stores.
- Opunohu – Papetoai Bay in the middle of the bay : small shops
3 spots
localised by a windward buoy in the area:
- Pao Pao (17°29’13.8”S/149°51’01.3”W) entrance of Cook’s Bay, in front of the Moorea Beach Café (which has a dock for the dinghies): access to the pharmacy, all shops and businesses
- Opunohu Bay: (17°29’13.8”S/149°51’01.3”W) at the entrance of the bay in front of Tahiamanu beach): small shops
- Teavaro (17°29’13.8”S/149°51’01.3”W) facing the Town hall: 2 km from Vaiare’s main dock.
In Cook’s Bay, Moorea, you can go by dinghy to the Aimeo lodge and there you’ll find a special area where you can dump your garbage for free.
There is a grey dumpster that is for non-recyclable garbage and a green one for everything that can be recycled (clean plastic, paper, cans, etc.)
These special dumpsters are provided by the Tahiti-Moorea Sailing Rendezvous, and are available to visiting sailors year-round.
Areas to avoid:
The mooring areas of ships over 90 m in length are forbidden to the smallest ships:

However, if you wish to moor there, your shipowner or his representative must send the completed Notice of Nautical Operation form (AON F0244) to the harbour master’s office ( which is the competent authority in this area at least 72 hours before the call.
Guide of Moorea
an updated touristic guide updated each year with the list of activities providers, useful information, maps.