- Anse Amyot, on the Atoll of Toau: This anse is located on the NO of the atoll, and is protected from the prevailing winds and swells, but the sea could be a little roughy if the winds are from West. This false pass ( which is 8 meters deep) give you access to a closed bassin of 200 m wide, with almost 25m depth.
Satelite view of anse Amyot – Toau Get in touch with the 2 only inhabitants of the atoll ” Gaston and Valentine”, Phone 87 33 74 12, there are 8 moorings available, and Gaston & Valentine are proposing services and activities to make you experience the Tuamotu way of live ( diners ashore, fishing activities, snorkeling …
- 8 mooring buoys maintained by Gaston