- Tairapa Pass on the southwest side. Navigational markers make it possible to sail in two thirds of the lagoons.
- Motu Tatetate: close to the village (1.5 Mn to the east of the village).
- Eastern area: ideal anchorage at the extreme eastern tip of the atoll.
- Village: 2 grocery stores (diesel fuel supply at the store),infirmary, post office, SailMail
Useful contacts
A small marina for dinghies is provided with a mooring area (depth of 16m) in the front of the family hotel at this position : S 14° 27′ 437″ – W 146° 03′ 074″.
Hobbies & services : snorkeling, picnic on a motu, fishing…
Une petite marina pour annexes est mise à disposition ainsi qu’une zone de mouillage de 16m de fond devant la pension à la position suivante : S 14° 27′ 437″ – O 146° 03′ 074″.
Loisirs et services : snorkeling, pêche, pique-nique sur un motu…
Dive Center providing activities like :
- Snorkeling
- Introductory dive
- Specialities
Club de plongée proposant comme activités :
- Snorkeling
- Baptêmes formations
- Exploration
- Plongée recycleur

Aide à la navigation dans le lagon, prédictions de marées, hauteur d’eau, courant dans la passe, conseils nautiques et prévisions météorologiques, documentation touristique disponible.
Assistance to the navigation in the lagoon, tide forecast, water height and current in the pass, nautical advices and weather forecasting, available tourism documentation.
Callsign | Frequencies in kHz |
FOHXM | 1919, 4206.5, 6222.4, 8289.4, 12576, 16785.5 |
+689 40 20 45 87 Luc Callebaut