My departure
Continuing the voyage
Immigration formalities upon exit: If you leave FP through Tahiti or Moorea, perform the exit formalities with the Border Police in Faa’a on the day of your departure. If you leave Polynesia through another port, perform the exit declaration with the gendarmerie on the day of your departure.
Customs formalities upon exit: 10 days before your effective exit from the territory, recover from the Papeete Customs Office or from the nearest gendarmerie, the “declaration en douane de sortie” (exit customs declaration) and bring it or forward it to the Papeete Customs Office.

Tax-free fuel
- The Papeete Customs Office (only) can give you an authorization of tax-free fuel, This authorization is valid 6 months.
- If you have a maritime agent, he can get this authorization for you as soon as you arrive in the Marquesas.
Importation of equipment and spare parts
The suspension of duties and taxes is granted to the boat under the Boat Temporary Admission. The previous dispositions also apply to spare parts, equipment and parts used in operations of repair of a vessel under temporary admission.
Spare parts, equipments and parts covered in the previous paragraph must be declared to Customs under temporary (DAUP un guaranteedmodel) and are declared to codification
To benefit from it on imported equipment, the replaced equipment must be either destroyed (destruction certificate required) or exported (exit customs declaration) or released for consumption (by paying the appropriate taxes).
If the imported equipment is not a replacement or a repair, it will be released for consumption and does not benefit from duties and taxes exemptions.
As a derogation to the dispositions of the precedent paragraph, the suspension benefit is also granted:
- either for general interest reasons,
- or when the parts and equipment are included in the entry declaration and are subject of a later delivery.
For any information, we advise you to consult the
Depending of the value of the requested equipment, you are advised to go through the services of a freight-forwarder or buy from local merchants. Feel free to request quotes or inquire locally before ordering from outside of French Polynesia.
Moreover, if your purchase (equipment or fueling equipment) is concomitant of departure and that the merchant agrees to grant you the regime of final exportation (DAUP Modele E100), you will benefit from a tax refund on VAT. If you pay the tax, no exit formality is required